Facts about breast cancer

Facts about breast cancer

It is the #1 cancer among Indian women.
Women of all ages are vulnerable, but 66% of cases occur in post-menopausal women of 55 years of age and above.
If detected in the early stages, it is the most treatable cancer.

Don’t ignore the symptoms

Look out for lumps or swollen lymph nodes on or around the breast and armpit.
Discharge from nipples.
Changes in the shape of breasts.
Retracted or inverted nipples.
Orange peel or dimpled appearance, and/or thickening or discoloration of breast skin.
Painful lump upon touching or pressing.

Vulnerability criteria

Family history
Attained early puberty (started menstruating early)
Attained menopause late
Took hormone replacement therapy (HRT) after menopause
Did not breastfeed your baby
No past history of pregnancy
Smoker or frequent exposure to second-hand smoke
Use hair color and hair straightening treatments
Exposed to radiation in chest area as a child/ adolescent
Genetic mutation or presence of BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene
If one or more criteria given above apply to you, it is time to get tested.

Lab tests

⮚ Blood test for the detection of the presence of cancer antigens (CA)

CA 15-3
CA 27.29
⮚ CTC (circulating tumor cells) blood test

⮚ Radiology (imaging) test

A mammogram or a breast x-ray can detect cancer cells way before they manifest as symptoms and is, therefore, a vital tool for early detection. It can then be controlled before it spreads further before it becomes life-threatening.

Women over 55 years must remember to routinely self-examine to check for lumps. Women who meet one or more of the vulnerability criteria mentioned above must undergoannual screening as a preventive measure.

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